1. Touren & Tickets
  2. Cancún
  3. Tour no Rio Secreto no Mexico
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Tour Image
Tour Image

Tour no Rio Secreto no Mexico


  • Flutuar no Rio Secreto.

Was ist enthalten

  • Transporte
  • Guia bilíngue
  • Entrada a reserva natural de Rio Secreto
  • Colete salva vidas
  • Roupa térmica (neopreno)
  • Alimentos e bebidas não alcólicas
  • Armários
  • Toalha
  • Capacete com lanterna

Was ist nicht enthalten

  • Photographs


This will be a unique and transformative experience!

On this tour we will be enchanted swimming in the crystal clear waters of the underground river and walking through the completely natural caves. We will have the chance to admire the rock formations that tell the geological history of the land.


À Combinar
1.076,22 R$
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